non-fiction contributions

grieve 10: stories and poems of grief and loss
'Precious Cargo', my short memoir prose entry in the 2022 Hunter Writers Centre Grieve writing competition was selected to be published in the 10th anniversary edition of the Grieve anthology (2022, Hunter Writers Centre).
Product 45: Australian punk/post-punk record covers
Short memoir/music review-style piece,
‘Cover versions: Reflections of a 7-inch picture-sleeve purist',
about the impact of 7-inch vinyl cover art on my teenage self,
published in Product 45 (2015, Inner City Sound)

dogs that make a difference
Short memoir piece, ‘A Gentle Giant Finds His Feet’, about my experience as a Delta Therapy Dogs volunteer, published in Dogs that make a Difference (2014, Penguin Books Australia) along with two of my photos of my Delta dogs.